I have admitted before, and I will do so again here, that I occasionally cruise craigslist looking to get laid! What I've learned from this exercise in futility is that I'm not successful enough, in shape enough, white enough or gay enough to get laid in South Carolina! Very disheartening, I know! But, what I've also learned is that there are a lot of hookers out there! Out of a sense of curiosity I responded to one of those ads and inquired as to the price. ... Fine, I was, at the time, considering paying for it! But I suppose that's what this is all about...the price! Now, one might assume that it was more money than I had (quite possible, I do live check to check), or that it was more money than I was willing to pay (not every prostitute can be Belle de Jour or Julia Roberts) and it doesn't seem worth it to pay a girl to have sex if you don't want to have sex with her. But that wasn't the case! Rather, the price seemed too low! (I KNOW! How is such a thing even possible) Which got me thinking...what is a good price to pay?
I'm not at all opposed to legal prostitution! If a woman wants to sell that particular service I think she should be able to do so, given certain health and safety concerns are properly addressed! Especially when you consider that the only perceivable difference between that (largely) illegal practice and a completely legal one is the presence of a camera! Not that I'm speaking with any authority on either subject... " I'm just sayin' "! (Woman gets paid to have sex, camera = pornography/ no camera = prostitution) But the point is, if I could do so legally, I'd totally pay for it! It's got to be a better option than the local dirtleg! Should I win the lottery, making a trip out to the Moonlite Bunny Ranch is easily in my top 5 things to do! I've even perused their website to check on which of the ladies in residence there specializes in devirginizations! (I'd like my first time to be special!) But that brings us back to the central question. What is that time worth? If you've read my post about strip clubs, I've shared with you my feelings on paying for affection. That money, I feel, is well spent! So I imagine that there is a price point that is appropriate for this too! I would assume that with a respectable establishment like the Moonlite Bunny Ranch, that it's a parts and labor kind of payment structure in that, the house gets paid for the time while the lady gets paid for the work she does during that time! Of course (again, speaking with zero experience or knowledge of the subject) I could be completely wrong! Now, there isn't really a set price list ( at least not one that's published) so I really have no idea what the fair market value of poontang is!
$1.50 for a tin of Altoids? Seems perfectly reasonable! $30,000 for a brand new car with decent gas milage but not a lot of kit? Sure! $100,000 for a 3 Bedroom 2 Bathroom house? Sounds like a steal to me! But what should the services of a prostitute cost? I know that $40 (that's the price I got from the local craigslist hooker) is way too low! But I don't know what I'd be willing to pay! What do you suppose a good price would be?
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